Dawn Of a New Year 2016





It was the year I think I finally put myself on the path I wanted to be on. I realised more than ever that I have so much more to learn. I am deeply grateful for the year that has nurtured me with endless lessons of personal growth that I have learned, the intentions that have manifested within me. The love I shared and received from every single person. The past twelve months have shown me how to live more mindfully and intentionally. I feel more Present than I ever have. So grateful for all of the life changing, pivotal experiences that I was blessed enough to find myself having.

Feeling truly blessed to continue the journey of self-discovery and happiness as 2016 approaches. It’s been a wonderful feeling of healing. I know that this new year will definitely bless us in a million new ways and allow us to grow mentally and physically by giving us moments of motivation, peace and dedication.

May we all find peace and prosperity for this brand new year and achieve the goals we set our heart and souls on. May this new year be a pure celebration of all we’ve accomplished and all we’ve absorbed. May we never dwell on the mistakes of the past when countless opportunities of redemption lay in front of us for the year to come. May this new year bless us to become gentler, kinder, warmer, more aware and present.

Happy 2016 to all!

With lots of love and light.

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  1. Great Post! If you are interested in my thoughts:
    __ideas concerning the definition of a strong and happy new year 🙂


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