Just The Beginning


I love the Journey of this beautiful life and love to make my little corner of the world a sphere of beauty, enthralling in my own way to ignite my little sparkles of pristine imagination and dreams through my eyes and words. Its seems this Journey is just beginning. And well I am not sure how long my blog will last (we’ll see), but, I am overjoyed and excited for what I am about to do. Writing and documenting the beauty I see in my daily life has always been my best friend. It brings me feelings of peace and tranquility. So, here it goes, This online blog is a place to document my discoveries and share my adventures. For me no dream is too silly or too big, if you take that leap, anything is possible. I’ve tried many roads and learned many lessons on the way too! So here once again its time to take advantage of this new road in my life and see what it teaches me about myself. I believe the “well of infinite possibilities” can see us through any situation. And yes, I’ve always wanted to have my own photo diary or life journey through words and photography, I am finally ready to take on this new adventure. With an open itinerary and my camera in hand 2015 is my year of adventure. Capturing everyday beauty from the simple to the serene. Hope you all enjoy everything I have to share! May you all fall deeply in love with this newly born blog.


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  1. May this dream too…bring Joy and fulfillment…to you…and the many…your heart touches..
    Blessings…OM AH HUNG…


  2. Om Mani Padme Hung 🙂


  3. Robert Braden (Könchok Dorje Jangsem Namgyal Chöga) July 15, 2015 — 4:58 am


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